Rating System

0 Fireballs = Sub-zero. It was so bad, whether I could finish it or not, that I wanted to throw it across the room and would have if it wasn't on my ereader.
1 Fireball = Frigid. I didn't like it at all, or I couldn't finish it.
1.5 Fireballs = Cold. I wanted to like it, it wasn't terrible precisely, but couldn't get myself through it.
2 Fireballs = Cool. It was tolerable, but I wasn't crazy about it.
2.5 Fireballs = Tepid. It was a little better than tolerable, but not quite midrange either.
3 Fireballs = Lukewarm. It was all right. Not great, but not terrible.
3.5 Fireballs = Very warm. It's better than all right, I liked it, but can't say I really liked it.
4 Fireballs = Hot. It was very good and I really liked it.
4.5 Fireballs = Very hot. Just shy of amazing, but more than really.
5 Fireballs = On Fire. It was incredible, and you must go read this story right now.

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